Wednesday 27 February 2019

For school children, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

ielts writing task 2 with sample

IELTS Writing Task 2:

For school children, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Essay Plan:
 Introduction: (1) refer to the task question (2) my opinion – teachers have more influence on intelligence, parents have more influence on social development
 Paragraph 2: (1) teachers are trained to impart knowledge to children and stimulate their intelligence – example – dedicated teachers who inspire youngsters (2) parents may play a supporting role
 Paragraph 3: parents have more influence than teachers on the social development of their children. (1) parents spend more time with their children than children spend in school (2) parents can be role models for their children in a wide range of social situations – give examples
 Conclusion: re-state opinion given in the introduction, paraphrasing some words.

Model Essay:
It is true that school children are at an impressionable age, and two strong influences on their intelligence and social development are teachers and parents. While I accept that teachers may have more influence on the intelligence of their pupils, I would argue that parents probably exert a greater influence on the social development of their children.
In terms of encouraging the intellectual development and stimulating the intelligence of school children, I believe that teachers play the major role. While not all teachers are capable of inspiring their students, they are trained to impart their knowledge of their subject areas in challenging and imaginative ways. For example, some students owe their lifelong love of a subject to dedicated teachers who taught this discipline in secondary school. Of course, at home parents may also reinforce this passion by encouraging study habits during the formative years of their children. Such support is vital for academic achievement.
From the perspective of social development, I think that parents are mainly responsible for guiding their children. Firstly, they spend far more time with their children than any individual teacher is able to do. They can therefore monitor the activities of children outside school hours, at weekends and during holidays. Secondly, parents are able to provide role models in a whole range of situations. These might include showing respect towards elders, choice of friends, or proper behaviour in public when eating out in restaurants.
In conclusion, although teachers probably have a greater effect in stimulating the intelligence of school children, parental influences on the development of children are stronger in social situations.
266 words by Ngoc Bach

Vocabulary for IELTS:

 impressionable [adjective]:
Meaning: easily influenced or affected by somebody or something
Example: Advertising is often targeted at impressionable age groups, such as children and adolescents.
 to exert influence on [expression]:
Meaning: to use one’s power to affect somebody or something
Example: Rock music exerted a strong influence on me when I was a teenager.
 to impart their knowledge [expression]:
Meaning: to pass knowledge to other people
Example: Good teachers are inspired to impart their knowledge of their subject to their students.
 dedicated [adjective]:
Meaning: working very hard at something, because it is important to you
Example: John is a very dedicated student, so he deserves to be successful.
 discipline [noun]:
Meaning: a subject that people study or are taught
Example: The school has excellent teachers in various scientific disciplines, such as physics and chemistry.
 to reinforce [verb]:
Meaning: to make a feeling or an idea stronger
Example: In order to reinforce her understanding of mathematics, Ann is taking a course at night school.
 formative years [expression]:
Meaning: having an important and lasting influence on the development of something or of somebody’s character
Example: Parents should supervise their children closely during the formative years of their adolescence.
 to monitor [verb]:
Meaning: to watch and check something over a period of time
Example: As a security guard, his job is to monitor who comes into the building.
 elders [noun]:
Meaning: people of greater age, experience or authority
Example: When we were children, our parents taught us to respect our elders, because they were older and wiser than us.
 to eat out [phrasal verb]
Meaning: to have a meal in a restaurant, not at home
Example: Last night, Caroline and I ate out at a Chinese restaurant.
 parental [adjective]:
Meaning: connected with a parent or parents
Example: They don’t want to have children, because they think that they are too young to accept parental responsibilities.

Thursday 31 January 2019

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 IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Economic Growth with Model Essay

IELTS Writing Task 2:
Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end hunger and poverty, while others say that economic growth is damaging the environment so it must be stopped. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Essay Plan:
Introduction: (1) refer to the first view (2) refer to the second view (3) my opinion – completely agree with the second view.

Paragraph 2: the first view – one main argument: progress and economic development is the only way to cure hunger and poverty, because the wealth from profits will find its way into the pockets of the poor. The argument made for imperialism.

Paragraph 3: the second view – many examples to support it. (1) Deforestation to produce cash crops for export (2) fossil fuels used for economic growth….global warming….sea level rise….homeless poor in Bangladesh.

Conclusion: economic growth which is not sustainable must be stopped. Production for human need, not profits, is the way forward.

Model Essay:
It is true that some people contend that economic growth is the only solution to the global problems of hunger and poverty. Others, however, argue for an end to economic growth in order to conserve our environment. I agree completely with this second view.

Those who see economic growth alone as the sole cure for the tragedy of world hunger and poverty propose one major argument. Only the growth of the economies of the developing countries will provide the poor with the wealth to afford the basic necessities of life. The profits made by corporations who are responsible for this economic growth will trickle down in the form of financial benefits to be enjoyed by the starving and needy. This view has justified the age of imperialism and the destruction of the livelihood of millions in the name of progress.

On the other hand, there are countless examples to support the opposing view that economic growth results in environmental destruction. Firstly, this is true for developing countries, where lowland rainforests have been cleared and unsustainable agricultural practices introduced to produce cash crops, often for export. Secondly, it is also true for developed economies. For example, the continued use of fossil fuels, which provide the energy for growing industrialization, is causing global warming. This is leading to a rise in sea levels, which will eventually make tens of millions of poor people in Bangladesh homeless.

In conclusion, economic growth which is not sustainable must be stopped. If it is not based on meeting human needs rather than generating profits, such growth will only create more poverty and lead to more hunger in the world by destroying natural resources.

277 words by IELTS Ngoc Bach

Vocabulary for IELTS
· to contend [verb]:

Meaning: to say that something is true (especially in an argument)

Example: Although Brazil did not win the World Cup, my friend contends that they were the best team.

· tragedy [noun]:

Meaning: a very sad event or situation

Example: It is a tragedy that many children die of starvation in the world today.

· the basic necessities of life [expression]:

Meaning: the things which you must have in order to live and survive

Example: Many people cannot afford the basic necessities of life, such as food and clothing.

· to trickle down [phrasal verb]:

Meaning: to spread money from rich people to poor people, through the economic system of a country

Example: Although the corporation made a lot of money last year, none of this trickled down to its employees.

· livelihood [noun]:

Meaning: means of earning money in order to live

Example: Communities on the island depend on fishing for their livelihood.

· in the name of [expression]:

Meaning: used to give a reason for doing something, often when what you are doing is wrong

Example: Many wars have been fought in the name of religion.

· countless [adjective]:

Meaning: very many (too many to be counted)

Example: I’ve told John countless times, but he still doesn’t remember my phone number.

· unsustainable [adjective]:

Meaning: that cannot be continued at the same rate or level

Example: The use of oil at the present rate is unsustainable – there are reserves only for 20 or 30 more years.

· cash crops [noun]:

Meaning: crops grown for selling, not for use by the person who grows them

Example: The best land in the country is using for growing cash crops like pineapples for export to Europe.

· to generate [verb]:

Meaning: to produce or create something

Example: In order to generate more electricity, the government is providing funding for wind farms.

Sunday 25 November 2018

Advantage/Disadvantage Essay – Topic: Students

Recent IELTS Writing Task 2:

Many university students live with their families, while others live away from home because their universities are in different places. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both situations?

Essay Plan:

 Introduction: refer to the statement. State that there are advantages and disadvantages.
 Paragraph 2: living with families (1) advantage – economize on accommodation (2) advantage – enjoy family support: meals, heating costs, room-sharing (3) disadvantage – too many distractions may harm studies
 Paragraph 3: (1) disadvantage – high cost of accommodation (2) advantage – easier to make study routines and to interact with fellow students.
 Conclusion: personal circumstances differ, but we can identify advantages and disadvantages of both situations.

Model Essay:

It is true that, although some university students are able to live with their families while studying in their home town, others are forced to live away from home in order to pursue their studies. There are advantages and disadvantages of both these situations.
If university students are able to live with their families, there are both benefits and drawbacks. Firstly, one major advantage is that they are able to economize, since they do not have to pay for accommodation. Secondly, they enjoy family support in terms of sharing meals, heating costs, possibly even sharing a room with a brother or sister. However, the home situation may also have its disadvantages. Family routines are often disruptive for students who have to concentrate on their studies in a quiet atmosphere. Without a dedicated space in which to study, for example in the evenings or at weekends, it is hard to keep up with a study schedule.
On the other hand, when students live away from home, they also face challenges. One disadvantage is having to find accommodation. Universities are often located in major urban centres, where rents are high if students have to find a room with even the basic facilities. However, there are benefits of learning to study independently in another city. Students are able to escape the distractions of family life, and thereby establish study routines and form friendships with other students who find themselves in the same situation. These factors may help them in their studies.
In conclusion, while there will clearly be differences in the personal circumstances of individual university students, some potential advantages and disadvantages of living at home or away from home can be identified.
280 words by IELTS Ngoc Bach

  • to pursue their studies [expression]
Meaning: to continue studying
Example: Peter and Mary have got jobs at McDonald’s, but they plan to continue their studies part-time.
  • to economize [verb]
Meaning: to use less money than you normally use
Example: Japan has introduced hydrogen cars to reduce air pollution and to economize on fuel costs.
  • disruptive [adjective]
Meaning: causing problems, such as noise, so that something cannot continue normally
Example: The librarian had to warn some disruptive students who were talking too loudly in the library.
  • dedicated [adjective]
Meaning: used for one particular purpose only
Example: In the USA, some TV channels are dedicated to 24-hour news.
  • to keep up with [expression]
Meaning: to make progress at the same rate as something
Example: The teacher spoke so quickly that it was hard for me to keep up with all the information she gave us.
  • to face challenges [expression]
Meaning: to have to deal with situations which may be difficult
Example: Children from poor families face many challenges if they want to go to university.
  • facilities [noun]
Meaning: equipment provided for a particular purpose
Example: The library has excellent facilities for users to access the internet.
  • distractions [noun]
Meaning: things that take your attention away from what you are doing
Example: I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.
  • to form friendships [expressions]
Meaning: to start to create and develop friendships
Example: She formed many close friendships at university, particularly in the subjects that she was studying
  • circumstances [noun]
Meaning: the facts and conditions which affect a situation
Example: Police said that there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of the President.

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As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.
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Wednesday 21 November 2018

IELTS Speaking Part 1 in 2018 – Topic : Film/Movie with Band 9 Sample


IELTS Speaking Part 1 in 2018 – Topic : Film/Movie with Band 9 Sample 

1.Do you like watch films?
Absolutely! They are an excellent way to unwind (relax; free your mind). Moreover, my friends are reallt into films, so it’s a fun, relaxing way to spend time together. Afterwards, we discuss and debate the film that we have just watched. Apart from just relaxing and enjoying the film, I like to delve deeper (get to the deeper meaning) to discover the subliminal messages.
2. What kinds of movies do you like best?
Well, I would say I’m still a kid at heart (a person who still feels like a child in their heart), so I really enjoy watching kids’ movies. Although they seem simple and innocent, there are often many life lessons packed into these films. Moreover, I’m really into drama and historical movies. When I watch these, I feel that I can more deeply understand human emotions and re-live historical moments, like the Vietnam-America War or World War II.
3. Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?
Since my country doesn’t have a huge film industry, I’ve always been really into American films. Not to knock (to insult; discredit) other film industries, but American ones are incredibly entertaining and well-made; the evolution of film continues to amaze me. Moreover, I only watch films in English  so it helps me to learn new slang and expressions.
4. How often do you watch films?
Well, I am quite a busy bee (a busy person), but I manage to see about one or two films a week at home. After a long day of studying, I love snuggling up (getting comfortable with blankets) on the sofa and watching a film to unwind. I tend to do this on Friday and Sunday evenings with my friends.
5. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?
Not too often actually. As the prices in my country are quite high, I usually opt to (choose) watch a movie at home instead to save on costs. Actually, I think it’s kind of a waste of money to see a movie at a cinema when you can watch it from the comfort of your living room. I only go when a friend invites me, which is maybe 4 times a year.
6. Do people in your country like to go to a cinema to watch a film?
I would say so. Since people like to go out with their families on the weekends, this is often an activity that they would choose. Moreover, teenagers enjoy this activity as a way to get out of the house. Furthermore, it’s often a popular date option for many people!
7. What was the first film that you watched?
Hmm it’s hard to say the first, but I think it was the Lion King. I know it first came out in the early 90’s when I was a child. It was my absolute favorite- I used to watch it repeatedly until my parents were really tired of it! I even built “pride rock” out of rocks that I found when we would go to visit my relatives who have a garden.
8. Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?
Both! On one hand, I find it extremely relaxing to chill out and fall asleep to a film by myself, but it’s also enjoyable to have company. So, all in all, I prefer films with friends, since they are also into film. Afterwards, we can discuss the meaning and carry on inside jokes (jokes among friends) from quotes from the film later on!
9. Would you like to be in a movie?
Not one bit! As I have stage fright (fear of being on stage), I would never have the guts (never be brave enough to)  to do it. Secondly, I feel awkward when I try to act and I have the memory of a goldfish (short memory) so I know I could never memorize my lines! All in all, acting is simply not my thing.

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As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.
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Sunday 18 November 2018

IELTS LISTENING PRACTICE TEST With ANSWERS || Test No. 37 ||#from real e...


Instructions to test takers

In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
  • do not open this question until you are told to do so
  • listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
  • answer all the questions
  • while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
  • you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil
At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper

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